Canine DNA Collection with Mini Mascara Wands

The dog DNA submission barcode label can be printed from your computer after signing up for a MyVGL account and placing an order.

  • You can purchase these EXACT mini mascara wands on Amazon by searching for "mini mascara wand". Please make sure the dimensions of the brushes match what is displayed below. 
    Note: VGL will NOT accept any other mascara wands for testing.


Mini mascara wands with dimensions


  • Use 4 mini mascara wands of the same color per dog.


Mini mascara wands


  • Collect the DNA sample by swirling the mascara wand between the dog's gums and cheek. Wave the brush in the air for 10-20 seconds to air dry them before placing them in an envelope.


Dog being swabbed


  • After swabbing the cheek and gums, place the 4 mascara wands into a paper envelope, seal the envelope, and attach the barcoded label with the dog’s name on the outside of the envelope.


brushes in envelope with label


  • Wash your hands before swabbing the next dog.


Wash hands


Another alternative would be interdental gum brushes that you can buy at the pharmacy.