Horse DNA Test Prices

Test Prices

(effective October 1st, 2023)



Please note that the VGL does not offer a breed test for horses.

Genetic Markers + Parentage Verification $44 per animal (NOT a breed test)
Health Diagnostic Tests  
One health test (except Skeletal Atavism) $45
Additional health test (except Skeletal Atavism) $15 each
Skeletal Atavism $65
Arabian Health Panel (includes 4 tests) $85
Friesian Health Panel (includes 3 tests) $75
Quarter Horse Health Panel (includes 6 tests) $100
Coat Color Tests  
One coat color test* $40

Additional coat color test*

           (* excludes Gray Copy Number test)

$15 each
Grey Copy Number  $50
Red Factor + Agouti Panel (includes 2 tests) $50
Horse Coat Color Panel (includes 8 tests) $85
Full Color/Pattern Panel (includes 15 tests) $155
White Pattern Panel 1 (includes 5 tests) $65
White Pattern Panel 2 (includes 8 tests) $85
Appaloosa Panel 1 (includes 6 tests) $65
Appaloosa Panel 2 (includes 2 tests) $50
Shetland Pony Panel (includes 8 tests) $100
Other Tests  
Embryo Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (includes a Genetic Marker Report and sex determination) $120
Embryo Clone Validation $125
Tiger Eye $40
Synchrogait (DMRT3) $90